Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thawing Out....

So how it can go from temps feeling like -31 degrees F to having to turn on the A/C in a matter of 4 days is beyond me....but somehow we did it.  This also means that our little snow days of watching movies, reading books, getting lost in the fictional worlds of our favorite characters, forgetting all the responsibility of work and school as come to an end.  So sad.  At least it takes over 2 ft of snow a while to melt so we will have little reminders of the relaxing extra winter break that we wouldn't have had other wise. 

But before I crack open the textbooks to study for late giving tests, I will be finishing one of the greatest books I have ever read. Seriously funny!  It's a fairly quick read if you are like me and get COMPLETELY wrapped up in a story and can't put it down. It's just about the messy ends of reality and life. A journey of a man rediscovering himself and his family and their simultaneous journeys when they are forced to sit Shiva for their father's passing. So when the roads are better go to B&N, or better yet what I do,, and get this fun read!  You never know when another blizzard may come to town so stock up!!!

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